Today we enter another important region on this year’s Tour. This is the Team Region. We will highlight the seven (7) Keys to creating a Winning Team within your business. There may be no other topic that is more important than that of your Team. I’ve seen business owners who get their “team” right and I’ve seen those who don’t focus on their “team”. The contrast in results is amazing.

Those that get it right enjoy coming to work. The attitude is positive, there is a can-do spirit in the air, communications are open and productive, and the business owner can leave with the assurance that the business will run as well without them as it does with the present.

On the other hand, those who get it wrong tend to have a knot in their gut. You can cut the tension with a knife in the workplace. Turnover is high – those who join the team quickly realize it is not what they hoped for and find the first way to the exit. No one is having fun – especially not the business owner.

Your Profit Tip of the Day

For you to have a Winning Team, you will need to address those currently on your team who are not able or willing to change!

Some cannot and some will not change. You must have the courage and conviction to either “change the person” or “change the person”. Don’t let a long term employee, a high-maintenance employee or an aggressive employee detract you from your mission of building the best team possible – one that can run circles around your competition and give you back your personal freedom.

Today’s stage is simply a setup. I’ll briefly cover the seven (7) Keys to a Winning Team and will ask you to begin assessing yourself and your current team against these seven Keys. Making changes in these areas will require as much change on your part as it will on those who work with you.

Here are the 7 Keys to a Winning Team:

●    Key #1 is Strong Leadership. You must demonstrate a conviction and determination to be a strong leader. I didn’t say nasty or mean – I said strong. There is a difference and we will cover that in the next stage of the race.

●    Key #2 is having a Common Goal. It is critical for everyone on the team to understand the goal – the big goal. Having a clear and compelling goal is essential.

●    Key #3 is having Rules of the Game. Everyone wants and needs to know how the game is to be played and where the boundaries have been set. No more surprises.

●    Key #4 is an Action Plan. Everyone in the business must have their own personal plan of action – what they are going to accomplish to move the business forward. If you are going to expect everyone to have a plan, then how important is it that there is a plan for the business? Very important of course!

●    Key #5 is Supporting Risk Taking. Everyone makes mistakes and as business owner, you must acknowledge the good effort and help the team learn from every good effort that goes badly. This can be a game changer if you play it well.

●    Key #6 is 100% Involvement. We’re not asking folks to simply come in and do their manual tasks. We need everyone to have their head in the game if we’re going to win.

●    Key #7 is Know and Appreciate your People. No matter how well you do with keys 1 through 6, if you don’t get to know your folks and show them that you care about them, you will not win their heart. We are after their hearts – not just their brains or their muscles.

There you have them – 7 Keys to a Winning Team. Write down some notes or opportunities. I’ll challenge you to think bigger and broader as we work through these next several days.

If you’re looking for more success and freedom from your business, join my FREE, private Facebook Group called The Peloton. It’s where business owners like you are learning, sharing and working together to get better every day! Here’s the link:

Come on – join us! And remember, whatever you do, RIDE HARD!


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