Stage 6 of the 2019 Tour de Profit is the last stage related to your Value Proposition. If you’ve been doing your work, you now have your Value Proposition well defined. Your current customers have helped you think about the value you deliver in terms of the Feelings they get when they do business with you.

In these first 5 stages of the race are setting you up to change things, move faster and exert less energy as the 52 stage race continues. But, before we leave the Value Proposition subject, there is one last piece of work for you to do. These are critical questions you must focus and answer in order to make your business better.

Take some time to ask yourself these three Important questions:

●    What do you need to START DOING to deliver your Value Proposition? These should be limited to only a critical few items. These should be high impact additions. If it does not have a high impact, then leave it for another time.

●    What you must STOP ALLOWING to deliver your Value Proposition? This is the most critical question of the three. Identify those activities that are simply wasting your time and not adding to your value.

●    What do you need to IMPROVE that you’re currently doing today, but need to do it better? Identify these and take the time to make them better. Give them more of a priority and a commitment.

Here’s Your Profit Tip of the Day

Take your time to make the changes you identify permanent and consistent.  You may need to reinforce these new behaviors within your team. They will naturally resist your changes, but if you are committed to success in this Tour de Profit, then you will NOT ALLOW anyone to knock you off course in this area!

Stage 6 is as easy as focusing on three critical questions. Three simple questions that will help you make massive improvements in the Value you deliver to your customers! Take the time to focus on this right now.

To get more tips on how to improve your leadership skills, your team engagement and your business results, go to my website, and you’ll find lots of free stuff there.

And when you’re ready, join my FREE, private Facebook Group called The Peloton. It’s where business owners like you are learning, sharing and working together to get better every day! Here’s the link:

Come on – join us! And remember, whatever you do, RIDE HARD!


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