Most of us hate to admit it, but in order for anyone to be successful in virtually any aspect of life, business or otherwise, they must be disciplined.  Think about the guy or gal who you see at the gym who is sporting a six-pack.  How did they get that way?  By being disciplined.  How about the country-western singer who just released a best-selling hit?  They were disciplined.  How about the salesperson who leads the team month after month?  Yep, it’s discipline.

Everything starts with discipline.  But here’s the great part – you don’t have to discipline in EVERYTHING you do, just in those things you want to be GREAT at!

Here’s Your Net Worth Tip of the Day

  • Pick 1 thing you want to get better at right away. Be specific.
  • For the next 30 days, block 1 hour per day on your calendar to focus on this specific area.
  • Work HARD on this for just 1 hour each day. No exceptions!
  • Keep a daily journal of what you accomplished and how you felt at the end of each hourly segment.

Do this for the next 30 days (without exception) and I can promise you that your improvement will be noticeable and you’ll see the change that you’ve been looking for!

To get more tips on how to improve your leadership skills, your team engagement and your business results, go to my website, and you’ll find lots of free stuff there.

And, to make progress faster in your business, ride along with like-minded business owners who share ideas, lessons learned and business strategies that are working. You’ll find it all in my FREE, private Facebook Group: The Peloton. Here’s the link:

Come on – join us!  And remember, whatever you do, RIDE HARD!


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